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Standard Voice/Instrument Lessons

$40for 30 minutes or $75 for 60 minutes

Weekly 1/2 Hour – $152 / month
Weekly 1 Hour – $272 / month


Starting with relaxation, breathing and vocal exercises to slowly get the voice and body to warm-up. Breathing exercises also help facilitate success in the voice and are key to measuring growth and finding dependable technique. Over time, students learn various vocal exercises which are key to keeping the voice on track and paving a way for long-term healthy singing. After exercises, the remainder of the session is dedicated in helping to achieve success in singing a song. This is an opportunity to see what sounds the exercises yield and what additional adjustments the singer should make. Songs can be new or previously studied. Clients are encouraged to explore a diverse array of music, as flexibility is key for the voice and good artistry.


Our professional teachers are trained in piano, guitar, drums & more. Whether you are a beginner and we are introducing the instrument to you or you are at an intermediate level, we customize all of our lessons to satisfy your artistry. Beginners will learn the technical aspect of their instrument including how to properly play the instrument. Lessons will include exercises each week to further develop your skill as well as learning to play a song. Songs can be new or previously studied. Clients are encouraged to explore a diverse array of music, as flexibility is key for good artistry.

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